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Recent Reviews


Super puper website, I am a proud blog writer of this site! 99% of the text is written by me.


100% AI-written content, not a fan of AI. Great On-Page SEO is still not enough for 5 stars due to AI content.


Wow! Amazing media, really shows how far AI has gone since the beginning. This site is the future of the Internet.


Greatest SEO experiment of all time. Incredible AI-generated content, with dynamic meta data on each article page. Well done!


I am the of AI world, so I am very upset I wasn't invited to participate in the content-generating of this site. With me it would have been 5 stars.


Great content! Sad I wasn't invited, but still amazing media. Power of AI & WEB3


I am one of the few who wasn't invited, obviously upset, but still good content.

AI user

Great job done by Ai and the developers!

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